Why choose TeleWalfer?
Teledistribution-Walferdange was formed as a non-profit association in 1968 and now serving three municipalities of Walferdange, Bereldange and Helmsange. The association offers a wide range of television programs as well as interactive services and is a member of the Association des antennes collectives du Luxembourg. Like other Antenna Collectives - TeleWalfer is a non-profit organisations and offers low prices with the same quality of service as other commercial organisations in Luxembourg.
What packages does TeleWalfer has to offer?
TeleWalfer has 5 different offers, which are the combination of TV and home internet services. For the TV, they offer 150+ digital and analog TV channels and for home internet you can chose from 2 packages of 50 Mbit and 250 Mbit download speed. The fixed telephony option is complementary to any offer including Internet.
Can I get TeleWalfer deals in my area?
TeleWalfer offers are only available within the Walferdange area including Bereldange and Helmsange. If you live outside this region or would like to take advantage of similar services then we recommend looking into other antenna collectives in your region, use one our commercial companies's offer (there might be an option for something that suits what YOU need).
How can I reach TeleWalfer customer service?
You can reach the secretariat by phone Monday to Thursday between 08:00 and 11:00 and Friday from 13:30 and 16:30 on the following number:
General number: 33 07 77
Tech support: 27 40 07 77
Alternatively, you can reach TeleWalfer by email telewalfer@telewalfer.lu or on tech@telewalfer.lu for technical enquires.
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